Lesson 1: God’s Love for Man

Who supplies the daily needs of all creatures? Psalm 145:15-16 and Acts 14:17

What is the glory of God? Exodus 33:18-19

What are some of God's qualities? Exodus 34:6

Who made God manifest? John 1:18; 14:8-9

What was Jesus' work on earth? Luke 4:18-19 and John 3:17

Did God love us even when we were still rebellious, or did he only begin to love us once we started to obey him? Romans 5:6-8 and Matthew 5:44-48

After answering the questions above, please read the first chapter of the book Steps to Christ: God’s Love for Man.

Lesson 2: The Sinner’s Need of Christ

To have a pure heart, do we need to receive a new heart from God, or can we purify it ourselves? Job 14:4

Can the carnal mind submit to God's law? Romans 8:7

Is it enough to recognize the beauty, wisdom, and justice of moral teachings for our nature to be changed? Romans 7:16, 12, 14

Who can free us from our sins? John 1:29

Who is the source of all that is good in us? James 1:17

Who is the only way to God? John 14:6

After answering the questions above, please read the second chapter of the book Steps to Christ: The Sinner’s Need of Christ.

Lesson 3: Repentance

After his fall, did David pray just for forgiveness? Psalm 51:9-10

Did David try to excuse or justify himself? Psalm 51:3-4

What leads us to repentance? Romans 2:4

Is repentance a gift from God? Acts 5:31

Can we become better through your own efforts? Jeremiah 13:23

How does the Bible illustrate the danger of cherished sin? Proverbs 5:22

When should we start obeying the voice of God? 2 Corinthians 6:2; Hebrews 3:7, 8.

After answering the questions above, please read the third chapter of the book Steps to Christ: Repentance.

Lesson 4: Confession

How can a sinner receive mercy from God? (Proverbs 28:13)

What kind of person does the Lord draw near to? (Psalm 51:17, 2 Kings 22:19, Isaiah 66:2, and Psalm 34:18)

What does God ask the sinner to do? (Isaiah 1:16-17)

What happens when we open our hearts to God and confess our sins? (1 John 1:9)

After answering the questions above, please read the fourth chapter of the book Steps to Christ: Confession.